We do not run a commercial boarding facility however if we know you because your dog does at least two group walks per week with us then one of us might be kind enough to help you with overnights as a favour.

Dogs who are allowed to should fit into our day-to-day lives which may well involve visitors or enduring up to 4 hours alone on certain days.

We can also provide a sitter coming to your home for £25/ night plus walks. This would allow a reactive dog to get overnight care and is often the best option for young puppies too. This is also only available to our regular walking clients. Equally, if you find a sitter but they are not quite up to doing the walks we could help with those.

Please be assured that if we help you with an overnight that your dog will get at least two hours of group walks and or game’s per day and that we will only look after a few dogs at a time. If we cannot help then when looking for another service I strongly suggest you ensure your choice of carer actually takes your dog on walks and check how many dogs they have to person as getting enough tactile touch is crucial for alleviating stress.