We adhere to the ‘humane hierarchy’ meaning our first consideration is health, then

management, then scientific and reward based methods starting with positive reinforcement.

… and so our steps to training your dog are


Meet you and your dog and demo our plan which will likely involve:


Gain as much history as possible via our online form.

  • Helping you get your dog’s health and essential daily needs met.

  • Educating you on where the unwanted behaviour comes from.

  • Seeing what we can do for you via management before we even consider training.

  • Train a set of alternative responses to the unwanted behaviour.

  • Teach you how to build these to fluency so you can get the response even with high level distraction.

  • If this is a behaviour problem such as fear and reactivity, these alternative responses can then be used to improve the association with the fearful trigger.

  • Please note in order for your dog to succeed you need to be helping them get it right and practicing with them on the walks we are not doing, so whilst we can put a lot of the work in for you, you need to come to the initial sessions to understand the process.


Aside from the obvious if you are having an issue…

Our sessions are not just about ‘training’ behaviours but about helping you understand how to use these and what else needs to be done for your dog in order help them be A happy healthy confident dog who can react appropriately to the world it is being asked to live in.

  • The predictability of teaching anything eg ‘sit’ equals treat, gives your dog control over positive outcomes in its environment building their confidence.

  • Improving your overall ‘control’ of your dog will give you the confidence to actually do the opposite and safely give them, the freedom they deserve.

  • Teaching anything, especially as a puppy, increases the development of neural pathways meaning your dog will be able to learn things more easily in the future.

You can’t ask a dog what not to do, only what TO do. Therefore you need some cues to do this.

Prevention is better than cure.


We are a team of multi certified trainers and behaviourists for when two heads are better than one.

Our consults are followed up with a written up plan within 48hrs with links to instructional videos to remind you what to do.

As we do it all from the consult with you to training walks when you’re busy to group walks, when your dogs ready we can help you every step of the way and help maintain what your dog has learnt, thereafter.